E2E Service


Upwing End-to-End Comprehensive
Natural Gas Production Service

Upwing Energy has developed a unique business model that puts the needs of the customer first and eliminates the typical ambiguities and disputes that take place between equipment manufacturers and well operators regarding equipment deployment, performance, maintenance and data management.

Upwing’s End-to-End (E2E) comprehensive natural gas production service is exactly what it sounds like. We become your single point of contact for artificial lift equipment, operations and data. We work with you at every step of the process to make your wellsite as sustainable and efficient as possible, taking on the responsibility of initial analysis all the way through managing operation of the SCS long after it has been installed. We will increase the production and reserves of your gas well in a safe, clean and economical manner through the use of our first-of-its-kind subsurface compression technology. Our E2E Service includes the following: 

Analysis and Predictions

With a minimum amount of information from you, regarding the performance, test history and known characteristics of the well, Upwing is able to conduct a full analysis on the production performance and incremental recoverability using our Subsurface Compressor System™​​​​​​ (SCS). Our Enhanced Production Simulator™ (EPS) uses a series of analytical models to evaluate the well’s reservoir, completion, response to subsurface compression, and topside constraints to predict production dynamics and reservoir response. The results are shared with you to determine next steps.  Learn More


Planning and Completions

Upwing will take the lead on the standard artificial lift practices and safety protocols for your well. We make detailed plans regarding the well site configuration, safety procedures, deployment process, startup procedures and all other required planning, which is approved by you prior to onsite preparations.  Learn More


Deployment and Startup

Following the pre-agreed upon procedures, an Upwing operations manager will be on site with you to oversee the deployment and startup of the SCS.  Learn More


Operations and Monitoring

Upwing’s topside control center includes remote communication and control equipment. There is a significant amount of well and reservoir data that has just now become available due to the SCS. This data is processed in real time at Upwing’s headquarter facility to ensure that both the equipment and well integrity are not compromised. At the same time, the continuous monitoring enables Upwing to make changes to the SCS to optimize production within pre-approved parameters. Additionally, Upwing provides basic training on the safe use and operation of the SCS to you and your team so that limited functions can be performed quickly onsite if necessary.  Learn More


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Get more information about our low-emissions downhole compressor system and End-to-End Service for hassle-free production management.

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We realize that purchasing artificial lift tools can be very capital intense. We also understand the pressures facing gas producers in today’s economic and regulatory environment.

Therefore, our model seeks to create a win-win for the operator and service company alike. As an operator, you will only be responsible for the site preparation and deployment costs, and you will be billed a pre-agreed upon monthly amount based on value of the SCS for your assets.